- behandle
- 11) обраща́ться (с кем-л., с чем-л.)2) обсужда́ть3) лечи́ть* * *deal with, doctor, handle, process, treat* * *vb treat ( fx somebody as a dog, something as a joke, one's shoes with oil, somebody for rheumatism, somebody's rheumatism, a subject in a book);(håndtere) handle ( fx he knows how to handle a rifle; handle it with care);(tage sig af, fx klage) deal with ( fx complaints, enquiries);(drøfte) discuss;(retsligt) try, hear;(lovforslag) read;(have som emne, handle om) deal with ( fx the book deals with life in ancient Rome),F treat of;(salte, røge) cure;[behandle ilde] ill-treat;[behandle jorden] work (el. prepare) the soil.
Danish-English dictionary. 2013.